Visit Our Farm

Whether you're looking to book our farm for your Wedding/Event , Photo Shoot , Yoga or just stopping by, fill out the form below to get in touch with us to schedule a visit!

Where We Are


Lavender Queen Lavender Farm Liability Notice

Lavender Queen Lavender Farm Inc. cannot be held responsible or liable for any injuries, loss, or damages incurred by Patrons while visiting Lavender Queen Lavender Farm Inc. We are an agri-tourism farm which means there is exposure to a variety of surfaces that require careful navigation by all Patrons that visit. By visiting the farm you voluntarily assume all risks related to any injuries or damages.

Parents/Guardians are responsible for on site supervision of children, not the farm owners.

Dog Owners are responsible for on site leashed supervision of dogs and clean -up , not the farm owners.

Thank - you for your cooperation and adhering to the above agreement while visiting our farm and giving us the opportunity to share this unique Lavender agricultural experience with the Community.

Constance & John